Monday, October 7, 2013

A deep breath…

It’s such a nice time of year, isn’t it? Cool, crisp mornings that are perfect for a leisurely neighborhood walk to view the turning leaves, breathlessly hot afternoons that turn back to cool dark-early evenings- just in time for a nice evening chat outside in the garden. Lovely!


My morning walk takes me past this lovely view as many mornings as I can get out there. Sometimes it’s in the early evenings, but mostly I like to walk first thing in the morning- it’s a great start to the day in any season, but especially now. All the birds and lizards out for their breakfast, spider webs sparkling with morning dew…it’s quite magical.

Some new ideas I’m working on this week:

My first Men’s Shirt- trying a “toile” in basic brown to start, I’m excited about getting into that…

Another bag- basic white or black, cross-body, two or three pockets, for traveling/walking/sightseeing…

More Linen skirts are lined up for this month- bought the fabric this weekend, lovely “Potting Soil” brown and a mustard yellow called “Honey”…

A year-long knitting project that is nearing the end has slowly turned from a bag, to a hat, and back to a bag- purse! I’ll be lining it and adding a handle for a scrumptious-yummy knit purse…

And finally, a small re-do of the garden- cleaning up, clearing out, repotting and attempt at cool weather planting…

So…lots to do this week! Hopefully those Faeries will do more than just dump pots of dirt all over the balcony this time…no, it’s not fertilizing the cement you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck getting everything done! The picture from your walk looks lovely.
