May Day is a favorite of mine- the sun is out, the flowers are in bloom, the days are that much longer… it’s Spring! Winter is officially past, something to dream and plan about for the future. Summer is coming and now is the time to air out the musty corners of the house and begin laying in supplies for the hot months to come. Perfect weather for long weekend hikes, tramping about the countryside before it gets too hot, trips to the garden shop for herbs and flowers, and rambling visits to the thrift stores for new old stuff for the secret garden.
- Last month was a good one for getting things finished, and setting up new routines. It felt so good to get the Watercolour Quilt done!
- The next quilt is still in the set up phase- it will take a little longer to cut the pieces for this one, there is so many! It wouldn’t do to get hurt again.
- There is a lot more of this kind of prep work going on- yummy veggies are even yummier cooked swiftly:
Lots more of this going on, too!
(she likes having her picture taken- it means momma is paying her extra special attention!)
- There have been lots of trips to the libraries- too many books, quite frankly, are being brought home! My favorites this week are: Weelicious by Catherine McCord; Sunday Morning Quilts by Amanda Jean Nyberg and Cheryl Arkison; Glamping with MaryJane byMaryJane Butters; and Sew What You Love by Tanya Whelan.
- There was some early season thrifting done last month as well- finally found that potting bench for the secret garden:
Nothing a little elbow grease can’t handle!
Fits perfectly! The Faeries are a little miffed (that’s where their swimming pool slide was located) but it needed to be back away from the ledge so somebody doesn’t get any smart ideas…
Lot’s more to do this month- Happy Beltane!
Happy belated Beltane! I hope May has been treating you well so far. :)