Friday, June 8, 2012

Lazy Hazy Friday

I spent some time this morning before breakfast reorganizing the garden- there were lots of pots straggling around the balcony, dirt and dead leaves everywhere, and I had even found an empty window box stashed in the outside storage closet- empty of all things! There’s no empty planters in gardening now, is there? Honestly!


Ignore the paper bag- I like to fool myself into thinking it’s my compost heap!


I rather like the effect lining the edge of the railing with the window boxes has on the overall appearance out there- it’s like I’ve outlined the space with plants…


That big blue tray has got to go- and I need to find a saucer for the nasturtium nursery. Here’s a better shot of this corner-


There! Now it’s “artistic”!

I love my little balcony garden- it brings me such peace and quiet joy. I would like to find a few more plants this month, maybe some more herbs, and another rose would be nice. I’d like a trailing rose to train onto the balcony bars, but can’t decide between white or red? And I keep finding references to a “moonlight garden”, which I think would be lovely out here this summer- lots of white flowers, some that even open in the evening! We’ll see. I hope I can find room for some new things. We should do a head count- I have no idea how many plants are out there so far.

Let’s make a list!

  1. Aloe
  2. Lemon Verbena
  3. Rosemary
  4. Thyme
  5. Pansy
  6. (3) Stock
  7. (2) Oregano
  8. Pink Rose (There’s also some chamomile, or borage, I’ve forgotten which, in the base of that big pot, too.)
  9. (2) Lavender
  10. Sage
  11. Basil
  12. Lemon Balm
  13. Snapdragon
  14. Parsley
  15. Chives
  16. Spearmint
  17. Catmint
  18. Kitty Salad (aka wheatgrass)
  19. Alyssum
  20. Dianthus (aka Pinks. squee! I love the old fashioned flowers!)
  21. Pink Geranium
  22. Red Geranium
  23. Morning Glory
  24. Strawberries
  25. Calendula

And even more Pansies back in the corner there. Also in that great big pot on the right are some sunflowers seeds, and a volunteer something-or-other. It could just be a weed, but I’m letting it go until it gets big enough to identify. The same thing is going on in the strawberry pot. I think they are from some Honeydew Melon seeds I threw in there around Christmastime, but I’m not sure.  Oh, and there is a volunteer spring onion in there somewhere- it came home in one of the spring cell packs, and just kept growing! I can’t wait to see if it will flower…

Hmm… I think I can squeeze in a few more plants in out there, at least the Faeries seem to think so. I know they’ve moved out there recently because Tasha’s Gnome gardener keeps getting moved to the oregano (she knows the difference guys!) and the hummers seem madder than usual, something about getting mooned last week? And I don’t think they are talking about the Full Moon either…

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