Summertime is winding down, work is looming on the horizon, and the heat is beginning to take its toll, but the crafting, cooking, planning, and booking is still going strong! Lots to still do today, so lets make this a quick post and do a list, shall we?
A new Cookbook Project is in the works this year. I’m still not sure if it’s an every-single-recipe-in-my-repertoire, or a current-favorites kind of collection, but it’s been such a fun thing to pull out to work on throughout the spring and summer! (and the Faeries are just fascinated by the smaller size binder- they think I’m making it for them.)
Oh what a hideous picture, right? Ah, the travesties of phone cameras! This is a messenger bag I made for myself to lugg all my Gaming Gear around with me to conventions and Game Days. It’s the Snooty Girls Bag, and the design still needs some work (gotta work a handle into the flap next time), but I love it and have been dragging it around with me everywhere this summer!
And this happened this year- I finally sorted all my minis (figurines) and dice into a two-sided organizer and discovered that I have a pretty decent collection of both! I also discovered I’m an official Gamer this summer- I bought Dice instead of Jewelry at ComicCon this year! They are the watery blue ones up there, along with the black with gold numbering ones, and the purple ones. (Also, you are an official Gamer when you buy dice so your characters can all have their own colour coded favorites. ahem.)
So it’s off to the kitchen to make up some goodies for the week- meatloaves, oatmeal, spaghetti sauce and a pot of brown rice for quick veggie stir fry lunches. Toodles!
Pretty dice! And I really like the messenger bag. You do awesome work!